Monday, September 26, 2011

Mt Edith Loop - does the scenery really get any better than this?

The Mount Edith loop in bob Walker's book  gets a five runners rating, and I have to say that of all the runs I've done this summer, the Edith Loop has possibly the most spectacular scenery of the lot. The book says 12km, I measured 14, and with 1100m of climbing, it's definitely no push-over, especially the first grind up the switchbacks. But persevere and you'll be rewarded with some incredible mountain running.

Time on the day, 2h 30m.

The first steep switchback section, Vermilion lakes in the background

Glimpse of what's to come later

Gaining the initial ridge line

Stellar trail running

Headed to pass in the centre

Cory Pass

About to drop over Cory Pass 
Mt Louis

Looking back up towards the pass

Check out the trail snaking down

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